


i have written a quick example about the order of destructors and shutdown functions in php 5.2.1:

class destruction {
    var $name;

    function destruction($name) {
        $this->name = $name;
        register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, "shutdown"));

    function shutdown() {
        echo 'shutdown: '.$this->name."\n";

    function __destruct() {
        echo 'destruct: '.$this->name."\n";

$a = new destruction('a: global 1');

function test() {
    $b = new destruction('b: func 1');
    $c = new destruction('c: func 2');

$d = new destruction('d: global 2');


this will output:
shutdown: a: global 1
shutdown: b: func 1
shutdown: c: func 2
shutdown: d: global 2
destruct: b: func 1
destruct: c: func 2
destruct: d: global 2
destruct: a: global 1

destructors are always called on script end.
destructors are called in order of their "context": first functions, then global objects
objects in function context are deleted in order as they are set (older objects first).
objects in global context are deleted in reverse order (older objects last)

shutdown functions are called before the destructors.
shutdown functions are called in there "register" order. ;)
PHP: コンストラクタとデストラクタ - Manual